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Hi :wave: this is Kautilya Tripathi. An active open source contributor with almost 3 years of experience working on backend systems and developer tools using both compiled and interpreted languages while adhering to best practices. He has mostly written code in Go along with JS and Ruby professionally. Besides his industry work, he frequently contribute to various open-source projects while also building his own side projects which span over the following languages Go, JS, Typescript, Ruby etc and databases like MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redis, MySQL, etc. Contributing to open-source projects has made him well versed with software development and its best practices, including but not limited to version control, cloud-native infrastructure, databases, etc. His current interests are programming languages (especially functional programming), distributed systems, infrastructure engineering, systems programming, and databases. He likes to work on distributed systems and also get to dabble in infrastructure and other aforementioned interests of his (bonus if the projects is open sourced).


Check out these apps made by me that can help developers in great way. They're all open source and free to use on any project.


book assignment developer_mode

Academic Education

KVM Ludhianamore_vert
DPS Haridwarmore_vert
IIIT Bhubaneswarmore_vert

Online Education

API & Microservicesmore_vert
Javscript Algo & DSmore_vert
Back Endmore_vert
Front Endmore_vert


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