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In memory cache, using gRPC

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Go in memory cache using gRPC to generate API. Functionalities include

  • Adding/Replacing key/value
  • Getting value using a key
  • Getting all keys
  • Deleting a particular key
  • Deleting all keys
  • Concurrency safe and on client side calls can be made using goroutines

Running server

You can run server locally the following ways

  • Using go run
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Helm
  • Terraform


You can run the server locally but make sure you have the following requirements

Now you can start the server using below commands

Start your server `./server-cache` or `make server`
`./server-cache -addr=":5001"` to run server on port `5001`


Make sure you have following installed

After the basic requirements are met, you can easily run server from below command.

  • Run this command make docker // This will build the image
  • Run the server using make dockerServer

After running the server, start your client ./client-cache or make client in a different terminal

./client-cache -addr=":5001" is server is running running on port 5001


You need to have following things installed on your OS to run server using kubernetes

You can run server on your kubernetes cluster. All the resources are created on grpc-cache namespace. Before running the command below make sure your cluster is up and running.

  • Run this command make run-k8s-server

This will create all the required resources needed to run your grpc server. You will be asked for passowrd once, to enter ingress address to host mapping automatically to /etc/hosts


# To list all services exposed by a server, use the "list" verb.
grpcurl --insecure grpc-cache.example.com:443 list

# The "describe" verb will print the type of any symbol that the server knows about or that is found in a given protoset file. It also prints a description of that symbol, in the form of snippets of proto source. It won't necessarily be the original source that defined the element, but it will be equivalent.
grpcurl --insecure grpc-cache.example.com:443 list cacheService.CacheService

# To add a key
grpcurl --insecure -d '{"key": "knrt10", "value": "pro", "expiration": "3m"}' grpc-cache.example.com:443 cacheService.CacheService/Add

# To get key
grpcurl --insecure -d '{"key": "knrt10"}' grpc-cache.example.com:443 cacheService.CacheService/Get

# To get all keys
grpcurl --insecure grpc-cache.example.com:443 cacheService.CacheService/GetAllItems

Similarly you can use all the methods as shown in API below


You need to have following things installed on your OS to run server using helm

Just run make run-helm-server and it will deploy your application to your kubernetes cluster. This will create all the required resources needed to run your grpc server. You will be asked for passowrd once, to enter ingress address to host mapping automatically to /etc/hosts

Now you can easily test it using grpcurl. For API usage you can refer to example


You need to have following things installed on your OS to run server using terraform

Running with Terraform is the most easiest way. Just run make run-terraform-server and it will deploy your application to your kubernetes cluster.

Now you can easily test it using grpcurl. For API usage you can refer to example


Proto syntax proto3 is used. You can find the proto file here


This is used to add key/value to the cache

func (c Cache) Add(ctx context.Context, item *api.Item) (*api.Item, error)


This is used to get key value pair for a particular key

func (c Cache) Get(ctx context.Context, args *api.GetKey) (*api.Item, error)


Used to get all key value pairs by prefix

func (c Cache) GetByPrefix(ctx context.Context, args *api.GetKey) (*api.AllItems, error)


Used to get all key value pairs

func (c Cache) GetAllItems(ctx context.Context, in *empty.Empty) (*api.AllItems, error)


Used to delete item by a particular key from the cache

func (c Cache) DeleteKey(ctx context.Context, args *api.GetKey) (*api.Success, error)


Used to clear the whole cache

func (c Cache) DeleteAll(ctx context.Context, in *empty.Empty) (*api.Success, error)


After running make build just run make test to run the tests. It has coverage of 92.7%

go test api/server/* -v -cover -race
=== RUN   TestAdd
--- PASS: TestAdd (0.03s)
=== RUN   TestGet
--- PASS: TestGet (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestGetByPrefix
--- PASS: TestGetByPrefix (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestGetAllItems
--- PASS: TestGetAllItems (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestDeleteKey
--- PASS: TestDeleteKey (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestDeleteAll
--- PASS: TestDeleteAll (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestGetDeletedKey
--- PASS: TestGetDeletedKey (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestDeleteKeyByExpiration
--- PASS: TestDeleteKeyByExpiration (2.01s)
coverage: 92.7% of statements
ok  	command-line-arguments	3.709s	coverage: 92.7% of statements


You can develop and debug the application locally, but you need to have below softwares installed locally

Once you’ve cloned this repo, run these commands in this directory:

# Only needed the first time:
$ make build

# Then run to start server
$ ./server-cache --help

Usage of ./server-cache:
  -addr string
      Address on which you want to run server (default ":5001")
  -cln int
      Cleanup interval duration of expired cache is 5 min (default 5)
  -exp int
      Default expiration duration of cache is 10 min (default 10)

# To use client
$ ./client-cache --help

Usage of ./client-cache:
  -addr string
      Address on which you want to run server (default ":5001")


Please refer to examples directory for more information